The cnidarian body is radially symmetrical, consisting of a tube or sac with one opening, and a mouth surrounded by tentacles. The wall has an epidermis and gastrodermis, separated by a middle layer which can be either very thick or quite thin. A distinctive characteristic of cnidarians is nematocysts. They provide effective means of snaring prey and protection. It is a capsule with a long thread forcefully everted when triggered by contact with prey or predators. They are constantly produced by the cnidarian. Humans in contact with certain cnidarians may have effects such as rashes or in rare cases death.
Cnidarian may either be in polyp or medusa form. Polyps are tubes with mouths surrounded by tentacles made for sedentary life. Medusas float free in water and swim in pulsating contractions. Some life cycles include them both. Both sexual and asexual reproduction by longitudinal splitting or regeneration can be found here.
Includes Hydras, hydroids, hydromedusae, chondrophorans, siphonophorans, and hydrocorallines. These animals are characterized by having a non-cellular mesoglea, a gastrodermis lacking nematocysts, and gonads in the epidermis. They may have either the poly or medusa form, and a number have both.
CLASS HydrozoaHybocodon pendula | One-Armed Jellyfish |
Tubularia crocea | Tubularian Hydroid |
Tubularia larynx | Ringed Tubularian |
Tubularia indivisa | Tall Tubularian |
Tubularia spectabilis | Sparsley-Branched Tubularian |
Sarsia tubulosa | Clapper Hydromedusa |
Pennaria tiarella | Feathered Hydroid |
Clava leptostyla | Club Hydroid |
Hydractina echinata | Snail Fur |
Hydractina milleri | Miller's Hydractina |
Podocoryne carnea | Smooth-Spined Snail Fur |
Bourgainvilla spp. | Bourgainvillia Hydroids |
Catablema vesicarium | Constricted Jellyfish |
Eudendrium ramosum | Stick Hydroid |
Eudendrium carneum | Red Stick Hydroid |
Eudendrium album | White Stick Hydroid |
Eudendrium tenue | Slender Stick Hydroid |
Eudendrium californicum | California Stick Hydroid |
Polyorchis pencillatus | Pencilllate Jellyfish |
Aequorea aequora | Many Ribbed Hydromedusa |
Campanularia spp. | Wine-Glass Hydroids |
Obelia geniculata | Zig-zag Wine-Glass Hydroid |
Obelia dichotoma | Two-Branched Wine-Glass Hydroid |
Obelia bidentata | Double-Toothed Bushy Wine-Glass Hydroid |
Staurophora mertensi | White-Cross Hydromedusa |
Melicertum octocostatum | Eight-Ribbed Hydromedusa |
Tima formosa | Elegant Hydromedusa |
Halecium halecium | Halecium Hydroid |
Halecium tenellum | Flared Halecium Hydroid |
Halecium beani | Bean's Halecium Hydroid |
Halecium gracile | Graceful Halecium Hydroid |
Abietinaria spp. | Fern Garland Hydroids |
Sertularia pumila | Garland Hydroid |
Sertularia furcata | Forked Garland Hydroid |
Thuiaria argentea | Silver Hydroid |
Sertularella speciosa | Tropical Garland Hydroid |
Sertularella turgida | Turgid Garland Hydroid |
Aglaophenia spp. | Feathery Hydroids |
Gonionemus vertens | Angled Hydromedusa |
Stephanomia cara | Chain Siphonophore |
Physalia physalis | Portuguese Man-of War |
Velella velella | By-The-Wind Sailor |
Porpita linneata | Blue Buttons |
Allopora poraphyra | Purple Stylasterine |
Millepora alcicornis | Fire Coral |