The Papal Line
Leading to the Schism

Question marks beside a date means a lack of documentation backing up the date written down. An asterisk beside a name means an important event in the Catholic church happened during his reign. Some of those events are listed here and here.

Under Construction

Name Regnal Years
Peter and Paul Martyred in 64 & 67
Linus 67-76 ?
Cletus (Anacletus) 78-88 ?
Clement I 88-97 ?
Evaristus 97-105 ?
Alexander I 105-115 ?
Xystus I (Sixtus I) 115-125
Telesphoros 125-136
Hyginus 136-140
Cornelius 251-253
Lucius I 253-254
Stephen I 254-257
Xystus II (Sixtus II) 257-258
Dionysis (Denis) 259-268
Felix I 269-274
Eutychian 275-283
Caius 283-296
Marcellinus 296-304
Marcellus I 308-309 ?
Eusebius 309-310
Unknown 310-418
Boniface I 418-422
Celestine I * 422-432
Xystus III (Sixtus III) 432-440
Leo I * *
The Great
Hilarius (Hilary) 461-468
Simplicus 468-483
Felix III 483-492
Gelasius I * 492-495
Anastasius III 496-498
Symmachus 498-514
Hormisdas 514-523
Pelagius II 579-590
Gregory *
The Great
Sabinian 604-606
Boniface III 607
Boniface IV 608-615
Deusdidit I 615-618
Boniface V * 619-625
Honorius I
(Condemned posthumously for heresy)
Severinus 640
John IV 640-642
Theodore I 642-649
John VI 701-705
John VII 705-707
Sisinnius 708
Constantine 708-715
Gregory II * * 715-731
Gregory III 731-741
Zacharius 741-752
Stephen II * 752
Stephen III 752-757
Paul I 757-767
of Nepi
Nicholas I
the Great
Hadrian II 867-872
John VIII 872-882
Marinus I (Martin II) 882-884
Hadrian III 884-885
Joan * 885
Stephen VI 885-891
Formosus 891-896
Boniface VI 896
Stephen VII 896-897
Romanus 897
Leo VII 936-939
Stephen IX 939-942
Martin III 942-945
Agapitus II 946-955
John XII 955-964
Probable False Pope
Benedict V
Probable False Pope
John XIII 965-972
Benedict VI 973-974
Benedict VII 974-984
John XIV 983-984
John XV 985-996
Gregory V 996-999
Sylvester II 999-1003
No John XVI found?
John XVIII 1004-1009
Sergius IV 1009-1012
Benedict VIII 1012-1024
John XIX 1024-1032
Benedict IX 1032-1046
Silvester III
Deposed at Synod of Sutri
Gregory VI
Deposed at Synod of Sutri
Clement II
Deposed at Synod of Sutri
Damascus II 1048
Leo IX * 1049-1054
Victor II 1055-1057
Stephen X 1057-1058
Nicholas II 1059-1061
Benedict X
1061 ?
Alexander II 1061-1073
Gregory VII * 1073-1085
Clement III
Victor III 1087
Urban II * 1088-1099
Alexander III 159-1181
4 Antipopes
Including Paschal III
Lucius III 1181-1185
Urban III 1185-1187
Gregory VIII 1187
Clement III 1187-1191
Celestine III 1191-1198
Innocent III * 1198-1216
Honorius III * 1216-1227
Gregory IX * 1227-1241
Celestine IV 1247
Nicholas IV 1285-1287
Celestine V
Boniface VIII 1294-1303
Benedict XI 1303-1304
Clement V * 1305-1314
John XXII 1316-1334
Benedict XII 1334-1342
Clement VI 1342-1352
Innocent VI 1352-1362
Urban V 1362-1370
Gregory XI * 1370-1378
Important Events(the *s above):